What You Need To Know About NYC Fire Sprinkler Code

What You Need To Know About NYC Fire Sprinkler Code

Local and national codes regulate New York City fire sprinklers. These regulations detail requirements for the design and installation of sprinkler systems. Read on to learn what you need to know about the NYC fire sprinkler code.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards

The NFPA is the authority on fire protection design and implementation in the US and, in some cases, internationally. Hundreds of NFPA codes detail fire protection requirements. Many of these codes specify rules for automatic fire sprinkler systems.

NFPA codes include standards for installing sprinkler systems in homes and low-rise residential occupancies with three or fewer habitable stories. Different codes detail standards for inspecting, testing, and maintaining water-based fire protection systems.

NYC Building Code and Fire Code

The NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) has created amendments to NFPA standards. It’s important to know that a code-compliant fire sprinkler system in NYC must follow the NFPA codes and amendments. And sections of the NYC Building Code detail the requirements for each occupancy type.

The New York City Fire Code determines fire safety requirements for buildings and businesses in NYC. Chapter 9 of the NYC Fire Code outlines how to operate and maintain fire sprinklers and other fire protection methods.

Design and Installation Requirements

It is against the law to use an unapproved system design or to install a system without a work permit. Only a Registered Design Professional (RDP) can get sprinkler system designs approved by the DOB, and only a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) or Licensed Fire Suppression Contractor (LFSC) can obtain a work permit and lawfully install the system.

Requirements for installing new fire sprinklers in NYC constantly change. Whether you’re constructing a new building or renovating a property, hire professionals to ensure you have a reliable and code-compliant system.

Harris Water Main and Sewer is an experienced fire sprinkler company in NYC, staying up-to-date with the latest requirements and best practices. We can perform new construction installations or replace an existing sprinkler main; contact us for quick and professional service.

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