Water Main Lead Poison and Pregnancy

It is becoming routine for doctors to inquire about the water main services feeding the home of a pregnant women, as well as a families with small children. As doctors continue to research it has become apparent that a lead water main is a huge concern, especially when dealing with pregnant women and children.

The primary concern for a pregnant women is a low birth rate,  poor growth and  a premature delivery. When dealing with the severity of these issues, they are most commonly an issue when dealing with high levels of lead in your water. If you have performed a home lead test that has proven traces of lead in your water, do not be alarmed. It is suggested to speak with your physician and follow your doctors orders.

It is most important to know that the blood stream in the mother and the baby are almost the same however, it is not known how early lead can reach the baby in a developing pregnancy. With that said, there have been reports showing traces of lead in a baby at the 13th week of pregnancy.

Please be mindful that we are not sharing this information to scare anyone, but more to inform expecting mothers on how water is fed into your home.

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